Smithtown Bridge Studio
22 Lawrence Ave | Duplicate Bridge |
Smithtown NY | ACBL-affiliated |
(631) 360-8456 | |
Join Carol, Sue, and their friends (below right) for a fun game of bridge. We play duplicate bridge 7 days a week (schedule), including lessons on Wednesday night.
 If you need a partner give us a call and we will try to find you one. We are located in downtown Smithtown: directions.
Coronavirus update: Exciting news! Our first ACBL virtual game on BridgeBase Online is Wednesday, April 22 at 10:30 AM for Smithtown players only. We will be running virtual games EVERY Wednesday and Friday at 10:30. Masterpoints and a duplicate game just like at the club except you can wear your pajamas! All you need to do is register for BBO (free), pay a $5 entry fee and play with your favorite partner. Call us: Susan 631-681-0404 or Carol 516-662-2983 for details or guidance. On BBO website list of games go into ACBL virtual clubs Our IID is VACB121715 and it will listed as Smithtown.
You are in our thoughts. Please follow coronavirus guidelines and stay safe. We really miss you. A lot!
Susan and Carol
Carol & Sue